A Place Where Lives Are Changed

It is our goal to provide ministry to all age groups; as well as opportunities for interaction and fellowship. It is our wish to be an outreach into our community, and it is our desire to be able to accomodate the needs that arise.

Nursery Ministry 0-3
Nursery ministry allows you to learn and enjoy the main service while your infants are in a healthy, safe enviornment learning about our Lord Jesus Christ

Kids Church 4-12
​Our kids church allows your children to learn about the Bible and Jesus as our Lord and Savior in a safe and healthy enviornment; while you enjoy and benefit from taking in the preaching of the Word in the main service.
Our childrens church is geared towards a fun and interactive learning expierence, that helps to equip them for life.
Impact CPC 13+
Our Impact Youth Group is headed up by Brother Ramiro Briceno and Sister Debby Briceno, and takes place on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm. The group studies the bible, taking parts of it and learning how to interpret the bible; while learning how to apply it to everyday life.